uptown committees
Beautification and Design Committee
The purpose of this committee is to positively shape the physical appearance and image of downtown to attract and to impress shoppers, investors, business owners and employees, residents, and other visitors. It shall do so through partnering with property and business owners, municipal government, and other key stakeholders to develop programs, projects, and plans that lead toward structural and aesthetic improvements to buildings in the program area, streetscape improvements, installation of public art, accessibility improvements, and friendliness toward non-motorized transportation.
Events/Promotion Committee
The purpose of this committee is to promote the Corporation’s program area as a destination for commerce, culture, employment, recreation, and residency. It shall do so through the planning and organizing, promoting, and hosting festivals, street fairs, and other events and programs intended to draw persons into Francesville and to create positive impressions of downtown; undertaking other projects that accomplish this; partnering with other organizations and individuals to conduct efforts to create a public image of and to attract persons to Francesville.
Economic Development/Restructuring Committee
The purpose of this committee is to work with business and property owners, investors, the Pulaski County Community Development Commission, municipal government, and other key stakeholders to identify new market opportunities for the downtown commercial district, to explore new uses for historic commercial buildings (in tandem with the Design Committee as necessary), to stimulate and to encourage new investment, and to aid in the retention and expansion of existing downtown businesses.
Montgomery Mercantile & Cafe
The purpose of this committee is to advise on the operations and maintenance of the Montgomery Mercantile & Cafe building and business. The members of this committee shall include up to three Montgomery Mercantile & Cafe Managers, the Board Treasurer, and one other member of the Board of Directors as appointed by the Board. This committee may appoint representative(s) outside of the membership to advise on topics related to building maintenance, business functions, or other topics deemed necessary. Outside representative(s) will serve in an advisory role without voting rights.
join us.
Interested in what we are doing and want to join the movement? Have questions or ideas? Reach out to us! Whether you have a desire to help with one UPTOWN activity or many, your participation is welcomed and appreciated!